News from Campo Demo

What is Campo Demo?

Agricola 2000 organizes demonstrative fields every year to show and share the characteristics of different crop varieties and the effectiveness of several
experimental Plant Protection Products, fertilizers and biostimulants.

Campo Demo is therefore an initiative designed to allow both the companies to concretely show the advantages of their products and the consumers to personally evaluate the desired characteristics of the product in question.

Born from the collaboration between Agricola 2000 and the Department of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences of the University of Turin, Campo Demo is organized for several types of crops and products and the scientific data obtained from each Campo Demo are gathered in a specific report that is then published in order to be available to each operator.

To whom is it addressed?

Aziende produttrici di mezzi tecnici per:
  • promoting their products in the most useful commercial regions
  • direct contact with potential buyers
  • a concrete display in the field of the quality of the results obtained
Agronomists, technicians and farmers for:
  • seeing with their own eyes the results of the products involved
  • training with experts of the field
  • discussing the best and newest techniques for crop protection

Are you interested in exhibiting your products?